購買的[104美國直購 2-12 歲適用] 新款 Baby Banz earBanZ Kids Hearing Protection, Geo Print, 2 -12+ YEARS 兒童防噪音耳罩在這也買的到~而且在這
20150413pk_ 2 -12+
Perfect for sporting events or concerts
Kids hearing protection
The earmuffs are easy to wear, with a low profile and no protruding parts that can catch on things
Product Information
Color: Geo Print
Technical Details
Item Weight:6.7 ounces
Product Dimensions:4.3 x 3.7 x 4.3 inches
Origin Taiwan
Item model number:EMGO
Product Description
Color: Geo Print
Finally. Kids hearing protection. You now have a solution to providing hearing protection for children with sensitive hearing and kids that need hearing protection. The Banz hearing protectors effectively attenuate harmful loud noises without shutting out other ambient sounds. The earmuffs are easy to wear, with a low profile and no protruding parts that can catch on things. The wide, foam-filled cushions ensure that the set doesn't squeeze uncomfortably, and there is plenty of space for the ears inside the shells. Banz earmuffs have a comfy leather cover over the headband to ensure all over comfort. The weight is also important to comfort; each ear muff weighs just 190 gram.
From the Manufacturer
banz, hearing protection, earmuffs
BanZ Hearing Protection
Big Protection for Little Ears
BanZ easy to wear earmuffs are designed to protect children from harmful noises. Our virtually indestructible earBanZ feature fashionable colors and prints plus offer great noise reduction for active babies and kids. earBanZ come in two styles and fit children age 0-12 years.
earBanZ are an essent分期付款 ial accessory for all of children’s noisy adventures, plus they look can be worn with our BanZ sunglasses.
[104美國直購 2-12 歲適用] 新款 Baby Banz earBanZ Kids Hearing Protection, Geo Print, 2 -12+ YEARS 兒童防噪音耳罩 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
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